Here's an array of community links we can browse through when creating our General or 3D Community news posts. Let's all add to this page with new links as we find them.
Community posts should be about fantastic artwork posted in their forums, or items of information that the community has posted themselves (interview, tutorial, and so on).
General posts are 'general' topics we think other artists would like. Bonus points if its related to game art. Whenever possible, be sure to use the ORIGINAL source for our news, and do not link directly to any blogs in this list.
Important Note: You know its important because the font is red and bold. Anyway! I wanted to remind you of BUNCHED posts first SINGLE posts. If its a high-impact news item (meaning you believe a lot of our members will find it useful) then give it its own post. If its low-impact (meaning you think the minority of our users will find it useful) then bunch it together with 2 other low-impact items.
As well, if you feel its VERY important news, you can give it the 'exclusive' treatment where it has a picture on the main page + quotes etc. etc. within.