Hello I've been having a bunch of trouble to create a lightmap for 2 vases, The result ends up looking horrible no matter of how I do it! Here are a whole bunch of images?
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Probably the ideal layout for vases like this would put the main vase seam towards the space between the vases and towards the wall so they're concealed. Probably you would need to have a few more splits on the twigs to be able to get a good pack. The way I do lightmap UVs is by autopacking my texture UVs in IPackThat and then pinning the border UVs back in Blender, turning on auto unwrap and UV sculpting, and nudging the UV borders to take up the maximum amount of space in the lightmap.
You want the least amount of islands possible. You can scale up small details that need more lighting information like the branches (on the right in my example).
Obviously clean up the UVs and packing more than what I've shown, I did it in 10 minutes.
If you're still having issues, could you post the obj and I'll throw it in UE4.
By the way! Thank you so much for taking your time to actually help me out! Did you really just model, a model that looks like mine just to demonstrate? Wow!