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polycounter lvl 7
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VfxFisher polycounter lvl 7
Hi All,

I have tried to search for this; but not found a thread asking about this; so I wanted to ask.

First, I am a total noob. I work at a company that is trying to develop a model/texture pipeline. I have looked at a few products - and am now looking at Quixel. As it stands now - it may be the best solution for us.

My question is this:

I can get decent looking edge wear; but it is consistent along the edges. How can I do things differently so that I am able t have the edge wear broken up in the send of places will have more, some a little, - even places with none?

Do I need to back out the maps and bring them in to a secondary program - such as Mari - to add this effect?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    If you want to remove consistency along the edges of a model, you'll need to overlay a texture into Dynamask along with the curvature settings. Try looking at the edge tarnish mask as an example. You can also paint a custom mask in Photoshop that will be influenced by the texture overlay when you paint at small percentages of brush flow.

    In 2.0, you'll be able to paint in 3D - Mari won't be necessary at all. :)
  • VfxFisher
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    VfxFisher polycounter lvl 7
    This is great - Thank you. I will explore how to do this. I am still a noob; so there is quite a bit to learn.

    Do you know when 2.0 may be available? Are there any open beta spots?

    I do not care to publicly talk about who I work for, but if you contact me privately I will - There is a lot of interest here in your suite.

    Thank you again for you prompt reply,

    -=Randy Sharp=-
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Everyone starts from the beginning, VfxFisher. There's nothing wrong with that. We field questions from professionals, amateurs, and novices alike - everyone should always be learning! It's the only way to truly improve your skills. :)

    2.0 has a rough release date of within two months. It's not concrete, and we can't guarantee that release time. We're focusing on testing the beta as much as possible to prevent show-stopping bugs from appearing again. It's an arduous process, but one I imagine you will find well-worth the time. :)

    If you'd like to chat with me further, please don't hesitate to e-mail me: jonathan*@*quixel*.*se - formatted to avoid spambots.
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