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[SCENE] Cavern of the Damned - Unreal Engine 4

polycounter lvl 13
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JZAcH polycounter lvl 13
Hey what's up guys.. So.. I've been messing with Unreal Engine 4 and the free assets from the market place the past 2 days.. Its quiet unreal what this engine can achieve..

Here is what I've been messing with





  • JZAcH
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    JZAcH polycounter lvl 13
    Here are my break downs for the scene..

    Its pretty straight forward..

    I started to block out 3 pathways at 3 elevations.. and then took the free assets from the infinity blade collection and tried to match it and modify the scene accordingly..

    I did begin with some ultra rough blockouts..


    But did not spend much time on blocking out because I had a good idea of what I wanted and just could not wait to start messing with the assets.


    Once I had the pathways sorted out I started bombing the map with rocks.



    Now on to lighting this thing. At the moment all that is there in the level is a directional light. So add some main light dominant light source and run some tests.


    Now.. personally, I did not like the indirect lighting and wanted to go with a little more darker approach. So I turned it off and tried something else.


    That looked much better. Now on to add some exponential height fog.


    And that seem good. Finally threw in some random assets to give the scene some life..

  • BenjaminoFree
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    BenjaminoFree polycounter lvl 4
    Last one looks great, I also don't really like the obvious light shafts and it's a huge improvement
  • JZAcH
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    JZAcH polycounter lvl 13
    Last one looks great, I also don't really like the obvious light shafts and it's a huge improvement

    I know that it can make a small difference D

    More to come.. I'm planning a cinematic with this scene, will see where I get with it xD

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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Try to bring the camera down into the environment to where an average person would view the environment from. I think it will help get a better sense of scale, and create more interesting compositions.
  • JZAcH
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    JZAcH polycounter lvl 13
    Alright you guys.. so.. I went ahead and did some more work on the map - Expansion sort of.. 

    So as usual.. started off with blocking out with meshes this time.. I wanted to go for an "all in" cavern sort of style.. so... bombarding with rocks.. And after that went ahead and started shaping out some forms with the castle assets.. 

    At this point I wanted some center of attraction. So I used this statue here and scaled it so big that it would be the center of attraction in the whole universe. 

    So far so good.. now as always.. test lighting... 

    Now that looked fine.. I went ahead and added some light sources for the exterior building portion.. 

    And gave the statue a light for his own as well 

    And went ahead and completed the lighting portion for the building exterior.. 

    At this point something was troubling me..  It was the focus around the statue.. I felt it was a little too much that the building in the background was losing attraction. so I went head and closed down the cave for the time being and kept the entire scene in the dark.. 

    I liked this.. things started to get more stand-out and grab some attention. I went ahead and replaced the fires particles with one from a pack off the unreal market place. 

    So far so good.. Now one more portion remained.. So I went ahead and started blocking out a form with the shapes I had.. 

    And once this was set.. I went back to lighting the scene. I brought back the light that was focused over the statue and focused it over the structure.. This gave a new sense of life to the scene.. Something that I felt happy about.. 

    After a small tweak to the angle of the light.. I found what seems to be the best fit for the scene.. 

    More to come soon :) ...
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    Looking forward to see more :)
  • ant1fact
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    ant1fact polycounter lvl 9
    So cool! Added to favourites so I can return from time to time =) I get the souls vibe teehee
  • EpicBeardMan
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    EpicBeardMan polycounter lvl 8
    Are you going to make couple of breakdowns of the modular meshes? That would be neat. 
    Overall work so far looks good.

  • FreneticPonies
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    FreneticPonies polycounter lvl 3
    I like this one better

    More obvious contrast in colors and lighting than the altered version, which has lighting that's far too uniform and doesn't have that nice orange/teal contrast that you managed to make not too in your face EG

    The above is a bit too dark as well IMO. Either way keep it up though! Very LOTR feel, somehow less... generic than some other fantasy art manages to be.
  • JZAcH
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    JZAcH polycounter lvl 13
    @FreneticPonies I see what you are talking about. The second picture is not how I have it at the moment.. I have the lighting set as the 1st picture.. These are some experiments that I'm running before I come to a final decision :)
  • JZAcH
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    JZAcH polycounter lvl 13

    There isn't anything great about the modular meshes placement actually..  I'll try and put up a break down if it really matters. But all I did was try and shape out some form and positions for lights.. it was just basically that . 
  • BeardedMike
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    BeardedMike polycounter lvl 7
    Subscribed! Love it!!!
  • JZAcH
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    JZAcH polycounter lvl 13
    Alright you guys.. So here is an article featuring this scene 

    You can find a little more detail on the setup of the scene and placement of the rocks in there. 

    I'm still figuring out extra things to do on this xD 
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