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Mesh outline generation for leaves?

polycounter lvl 3
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somawheels polycounter lvl 3
In speedtree (software), there is an automatic mesh generation feature for leaves.
However, it only creates up to 20 edges.
I need something like this, but not so limited on the deatail of the generated mesh.
Any ideas?
I would try photoshop, but the 3d functions are not currently compatible with my latest gpu driver.


  • Octo
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    Octo polycounter lvl 18
    Houdini does this with the trace node.
  • somawheels
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    somawheels polycounter lvl 3
    I have never used houdini, so would appreciate any other suggestions (Would rather not learn/use a new software just for this little function.)
    If there are none, of-course ill try houdini, thanks.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Maya has a function for generating polys out of an image, I believe Max does too.

    I've never had a whole lot of luck controlling the one in maya, but this guy got a nice result.

  • somawheels
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    somawheels polycounter lvl 3
    My attempts with maya were not very good, it seems to work best for non organic shapes; my tracing has got to be very exact.
    Cant find a function like this in 3ds max... There is a good looking script called "spline trace" but it costs money.
  • SonicBlue
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    SonicBlue polycounter lvl 10

    This is with Blender and Inkscape, I'm not sure if 3ds Max supports .svg files, anyway you can export the mesh from Blender and import it back in Max.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    This piqued my interest so I hacked a macroscript I'd cobbled together a while back for turning sprites into 3d objects (it's a hack squared)

    It appears to work - it's not fully automated or clever but I actually got some decent results out of it

    bad things :
    It starts from a very inefficient mesh (quad per pixel) and relies on pro-optimise to sort it out
    It's very slow on images bigger than 128 pixels when processing at native resolution.
    I'm a terrible programmer

    plus sides :
    it'll process anything
    it UVs the object using the original image

    settings :
    Pixel grid : set it to 4 and it will process every 4th pixel and so on
    Detail : vertex count % setting for pro-optimise

    it uses alpha to determine whether to make a poly or not

    so yeah, copy the script below out, run it and make yourself a button - you'll find it in MK_Tools.

    if it's useful it'd be nice to hear back, if it blows your computer up it'd be nice to not hear back ;)
    macroScript tracebitmap category:"MK_Tools"
    	local elementWidth	=	75
    	-- defaults
    	local hmMax 			= 1
    	local hmIncrement	= 1
    	local pxIncrement	= 1
    	local vertPercent 	= 30
    	global transpColor = [255,0,255]
    	-- functions
    	fn roundFloatToIncrement valFloat valIncrement = 
    		/* round float to nearest valIncrement */
    		(floor( 1.0 * valFloat / valIncrement + 0.5) * valIncrement) as integer
    	fn createPixelFace obj pixelPosition height colorValue pixelGridSize= 
    		height = height as integer
    	--	print (height as string)
    		-- create 4 verts
    		tempVertArray = #()
    		v1 = polyop.createVert obj pixelPosition
    		v2 = polyop.createVert obj (pixelPosition + [pixelGridSize,0,0])
    		v3 = polyop.createVert obj (pixelPosition + [pixelGridSize,pixelGridSize,0])
    		v4 = polyop.createVert obj (pixelPosition + [0,pixelGridSize,0])
    		append tempVertArray v1
    		append tempVertArray v2
    		append tempVertArray v3
    		append tempVertArray v4
    		f1 = polyop.createPolygon obj tempVertArray
    		for v in tempVertArray do
    			polyop.setvertcolor obj 0 v (colorValue)
    		if height >0 then
    			polyop.setFaceSelection obj f1 
    			obj.extrudeFaces height
    		free tempVertArray
    	fn createMeshObject nm maxHeight heightGrid pixelGrid vertPercent= 
    			local hmMax 			= maxHeight
    			local hmIncrement	= heightGrid
    		/* get bitmap */
    		srcBitmap = selectBitMap caption:"Select a Bitmap"
    		--print aBitmap.fileName 
    		local bitmapHeight = srcBitmap.height
    		local bitmapWidth = srcBitmap.width
    		undo off
    			-- create a mesh and convert to poly
    			local polyObj = editable_mesh name:(uniquename nm) --create an empty EMesh
    			convertTo polyObj Editable_Poly --convert to Editable_Poly 
    			--create and assign material
    			--polyObj.material =  standard  diffuseMap: (Bitmaptexture fileName:srcBitmap.fileName ) showInViewport:true
    			for currentRow = 0 to (bitmapHeight-1) by pixelGrid do
    				pixelRow = getPixels srcBitmap [0,currentRow] bitmapWidth
    				for currentColumn = 1 to (bitmapWidth) by pixelGrid do
    					pixelColor = [ p.red, p.green, p.blue, p.alpha]
    					pixelVertColor = [ p.red, p.green, p.blue]
    					pixelAlpha = p.alpha
    					GEOMETRY IS GETTING EXPENSIVE  64x64 gives 40960 tris at worst
    					yeah - nevermind  that for now, requires rearchitecture
    					-- posterize heightmap
    					hmDivision = 255/hmMax
    					if pixelAlpha != 0 do  -- change this to a  silly colour rather than using alpha - will give us more range in height and allow for zero height planes(which will save polys)
    						-- establish height based on alpha channel
    						hm = pixelAlpha / hmDivision
    						-- round height off to nearest integer
    						hm = roundFloatToIncrement hm hmIncrement
    						-- invert Y coords cos its upside down in bitmaps
    						invI = currentRow*-1
    						--subtract 1 from x coord because max is an arse and starts at 1
    						createPixelFace polyObj  [currentColumn-1,invI-1,0] hm pixelVertColor pixelGrid
    			-- add UVs etc.
    			select polyObj
    			polyObj.showVertexColors = true
    			polyObj.vertexColorsShaded = false
    			polyObj.VertexColorType = #color
    			polyop.collapsedeadstructs polyObj
    			addModifier polyObj (Uvwmap())		
    			polyObj.modifiers[#UVW_Map].length = bitmapHeight
    			polyObj.modifiers[#UVW_Map].width = bitmapWidth
    			addModifier polyObj (Vertex_Weld ())
    			addModifier polyObj (ProOptimizer ())
    			polyObj.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].KeepUV = on	
    			polyObj.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].MergeFaces = on
    			polyObj.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].MergeFacesAngle = 10
    			--polyObj.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].KeepVC = on
    			polyObj.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].Calculate = on
    			--polyObj.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].vertexCount = 40
    			polyObj.modifiers[#ProOptimizer].VertexPercent = vertPercent
    			close srcBitmap
    			free srcBitmap
    		--undo back on
    	rollout pixelate_rollout "trace_bitmap"
    		--edittext t_hmMax "Max Height" offset: ([-6,4]) width:elementWidth readOnly: False	text:(hmMax as string) labelOnTop:true
    		--edittext t_hmIncrement "Height Grid" offset: ([-6,4]) width:elementWidth readOnly: False	text:(hmIncrement as string) labelOnTop:true
    		edittext t_pxIncrement "Pixel Grid" offset: ([-6,4]) width:elementWidth readOnly: False	text:(pxIncrement as string) labelOnTop:true
    		edittext t_vertPercent "Detail" offset: ([-6,4]) width:elementWidth readOnly: False	text:(vertPercent as string) labelOnTop:true
    		button b_getViewerPath "Choose Bitmap" offset: ([0,4]) width: elementWidth  tooltip:"Choose Bitmap"
    		on b_getViewerPath pressed do
    			createMeshObject "pixelMesh001" (hmMax as integer) (hmIncrement as integer) (t_pxIncrement.text as integer) (t_vertPercent.text as integer) 
    	try (destroyDialog pixelate_rollout)	catch()
    	createDialog pixelate_rollout 100 250
  • cptSwing
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    oh, my original script did that - I expect theirs is better
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