Goodness, I'm bad at naming threads. Couldn't decide which project of mine to post work from, so lets start with this one! I still don't have a name for it unfortunately. >.<;; Just going to be posting art I do in relation to this project here, and character design and such. I'm very inexperienced but would like to improve, so critiques are certainly welcome! on my art...on my character design...everything's game.
The main character (at least at the moment) is named Vanna, and this was the original picture I did of her:

She's also really short.
Try drawing over each of the characters with different concepts. Take the same drawing, erase the hair and then draw new styles.
When it comes to designing concepts. Leave the technique at the door, and concentrate and how many ideas you can come up with. Once you have a few down you can settle on some ideas, but until then continue to adjust your concepts.
thanks for the advice! I guess I did sort of neglect to do that with this project, even though I've done it with some of my other projects....
silhouettes sounded fun! I don't have much experience doing them, but I suppose I'll try some when I get the chance!
tried some different hairstyles for circe! I was gonna wait to post this until I did some for anise and vanna too, but I got impatient;;
I think it´d be also fun to think about all kinds of movies which feature characters which are similar to yours and check out their hairstyle and how they emphasize the character. Maybe details like hair clips as well etc
did some merchant silhouettes!
gonna use B for the old bird hag, A looks too blobby and her necklace doesn't look good in the silhouette imo so I'll either remove it or only have a bit of it show inside her hood/cloak, C doesn't have the diminutive look I want for her, and neither does D, nor does it have the aged look I want... however I really like D so I'll probably make a separate merchant design based on it.
I did some own interpretations and added some details like a skull or a root cane. Plus you could add a turkey-like lappet to imitate a wart xD Or some more fuzzy feathers. Or nothing and all and stay with your ideas ^.^
EDIT: Forgot to say, very nice characters. I wonder in what kind of project (short film, game) you're going to use them?
speaking of said goddess, I just realized I never posted a picture of her.
old drawing, not the best, and I still want to explore her design, but this was my first drawing of her, done back when I did those initial drawings of the girls.
also that's a super cool design, rn! might have to be tweaked a lil since it doubles as her walking stick but I really love it!
also thank you, and I'm hoping to make a game with these characters! ^^
You can get Krita for free, then you can set up the Stabiliser feature and inking becomes very fun (provided you arrange a few custom brushes for this).
The Stabiliser makes you feel like you have the hand precision of a robot. It also stabilises the pen pressure, so you can add clean dynamic weight to your lines.
I only use Krita for inking -- I save the lines as a PSD and continue in Photoshop, which to me has a bit smoother workflow.
I wanted to practice L*a*b* colour picking, so I hope you don't mind me borrowing your design for that...
and no, I don't mind at all! that looks fantastic, thank you!