lately i developed some interest in 3d environment modelling and after many tests i think the best way to do it is using procedural displacement tileable maps ,although this method gave me a very good result i got stuck.
as you can see in the test render i have stretching issue caused by the high displacement is there any fast fix for the stretching ??
i am using 3ds max and vray and i don't mind adding another software into the workflow if it will fix the issue .
If you're rendering it, there are a few different ways to tackle this. You could look into 3d procedural displacement instead (which isn't just a planar displacement), or you could blend another micro displacement into the areas with low (stretchy) resolution.
thanks for the fast respond Eric .
well yes this is for rendering in Max but i might try rendering it using unreal engine 4 that is why i didn't use 3d procedural displacement i don't think it is possible to export that to unreal but i am not an expert for sure .
i think i didn't make the problem clear enough ,well this rocky wall is a flat plane i shifted the polygons with a noise modifier then apllied planar uv mapping then shifted the polygons again with displace modifier at this point i have the shape of the rocky wall without the cracks and the small bumps a vray displacement modifier took care of those using a couple of mixed textures .
Do you think the micro displacement will do the trick knowing that i have a planar uv mapping??or should i unwrap uvs after i get the basic form ?
If you only want to render in an offline renderer (V-Ray, etc.) then a world of possibilities opens up. You can get in there and mix maps and projections as much as needed.
For a game version of the same idea, I would approach it like 343 Industries did it for Halo 4. Sculpt the macro forms of the assets, to bake large-detail unique normal maps. Then create a low poly at a scale of maybe a quad every couple feet or so. Then make a custom shader to blend tiling micro-detail maps with the macro normal maps.