Hi everyone,
I've been trying to put together my portfolio and am looking for some critiques and advise. I'm adding and removing pieces probably about every week or two.
I've been advised to not only add my focus (character modeling) but also the work from skills I also claim to possess on my resume. I would definitely love to hear some opinions on that as well.
Areas in question:
- Layout/design of webpage- Should I reorganize my individual characters into their own tab? Slide Shows or individual images?
- Characters to remove?
- Keep non 3D character work?
- Should I add turntables or wire frames on high poly/low poly? What is the best way to present that without cluttering up my page even more.
Thanks, I appreciate it!
- I have changed my theme so something that is a little more neutral and easy to read.
- I have taken off all non-3D work
- Removed oldest works that weren't doing me any favors.
- Work on my anatomy (sculpt nudes)
- Put up texture maps and wireframes
- Work on lighting techniques
- Not a fan of the handwritten font.
- The text (especially on the page "about") is really hard to read, that's because the text itself is light greyish on a white background + the font weight is really thin. (I noticed that on firefox the text is easier to read then in chrome, not sure why.)
- Your header says "3D character modeling" while the main page is also showing some 2D art / Graphic design.
Personally, i would get rid of them. in my point of view they are absolutely not portfolio worthy simply because they look unfinished and sloppy. IF for some reason you still want to show them in your portfolio, work on your presentation.
- Your characters do have potentional, however the only character i really like is the blue bat, it looks solid and clean (maybe some more pictures of it?)
The monster itself looks okay, but why is the final piece a "printscreen" in 3dsmax / maya?
or atleast, it feels like its a print screen, give it some more work.
The man looks okay as well, but yea, feels unfinished simply because its grey.
The woman really feels unfinished and rushed and could use some more love.
The face feels undefined and the textures are noisy and could use some more details
The materials are unreadable, is she wearing leather, plate, cloth? i cant tell.
The old dwarf looks okay, but the images are abit boring and i would try different angles.
In overall i would have used bigger images or give the visitor the opportunity to view the renders on full screen.
Remember, its better to have a portfolio with only 3 pieces that are worked out in perfection, then placting tons of unfinished content. Quality > Quantity
Hopefully this feedback is usefull to you.
Thank you for taking the time to look over everything and for giving detailed feedback.
I agree that pretty much everything still needs a lot of work. Being a student often keeps me on a strict deadline.
Thanks again
kill the non 3D stuff.
Make some good renders, ie Marmoset or in Substance.
If you are going to make a character base, then make it the same quality level as the character, if not then kill the base. I'd like to see wireframes and texture sheets. no need for turntable unless you do something like a marmoset viewer (i would recommend)
Keep making new stuff, like you said.
- most of you pieces have major anatomy issues. As a character artist this should be your main concern.
- Never post unfinished stuff in your portfolio.
- Push your texturing a lot more. It looks like you just apply solid colors under a bake and call it done.
- Spend more time on your lighting. A good lighting call make an average character stand out, however a bad lighting can really bring down a good character.
- Show textures flat.
- like Jet_Pilot said, cut the non 3D stuff.
With what you have so far I don't think you can get a junior character artist opening. However you definitely show potencial, the cute bat creature looks great and would even look better with a nice lighting.
Right now you should focus on the anatomy, make nude models. Here's some nice anatomy ressources :
I know my post may sound harsh but character art is a very competitiv field and you should always aim for the best.
I hope this will be useful and keep posting on Polycount to get feedback
I'll get some wireframes and texture sheets up there. :-)
I appreciate your honesty, truthfully I feel like I don't get enough of a harsh opinion which doesn't help me improve as an artist. It's always good to know where I stand.
The bat character is high poly at the moment that I polypainted in ZBrush. I am recreating a lower poly model of it which I will bake a color vertex map onto so I will have a texture map for it soon.
I'll be sure to get to work on some nude sculpts