Hi! I'm just wondering for in maya is there some way to create a basic human shape that i can use for scaling purposes? I usually see people with a scale human on here when they makes scenes and what not and i'm not sure if they made that, or there was a default one to just import or something for those purposes, because so far all i've been doing is pretty much making a box with the general proportions of a human. Thanks for any replies!
Are you just looking for a human model in Tpose to reference against in the same scene?
EDIT: Swear I read ZBrush and not Maya. If you do have ZBrush you could pull in one of those models. Otherwise, it should be fairly trivial to hunt down a free model on somewhere like tf3dm.com
yea pretty much just something in the t-pose, in maya i've just been making a box that's roughly 6feet tall and just doing guess work from there and trying to make things look right, which to me seems like there could be a better way of doing it. (Take for example now i am making a hospital scene, and i feel like the doorways or chairs are too big or small and just have to guess by how the rest of my scene looks.
Haha that's fine, i misread things all the time. But that is also useful information because i will be using zbrush soon too! And thanks for that site i'll definitely check it out then.
Very simple blocky human-like shape, but it does the job for me. Feel free to use it, if it seems like it'll suit your needs.
Oh wow man thanks a lot! I'm downloading it as i type haha.