I'm looking for information/tutorials/anything on substance designer's function nodes - ie, how do you use the if/else node (and more)? I'm also interested in learning about how to write custom functions, if that's even possible (ie, instead of using an "if/else node", just write out an if/else statement somewhere?)
I've searched the webs but sadly havn't been able to find anything too great. I'm hoping there are some pro's here that can point me in the right direction : )
I have a solid background in gameplay programming in cpp and c# and am wondering if there are some docs or how to's or other goodies for designer i've missed
any help would be greatly appreciated!
ie, exposing the pattern type of a tile generator shows you the capsule "variable" is integer 15 in its list
now the if/else makes sense, but I'm still not sure where you can type in specific code? or even if there is documentation on designer syntax or something?
From what I know, you cannot write function in "pure lines" code : you have to use the graph system.
@mantragora, no I haven't seen those yet, thanks for the link
We also have some information in our documentation : https://support.allegorithmic.com/documentation/display/SD5/Functions
I made a small sbs example with the if/else:
In this example, if "value_switch" parameter ≥0.5, the blend will use a value of 1, else a value of 0.