If your doing any sort of environment level design lighting areas can be a bit of a pain in modo.
So here is a quick little script to help "illuminate" those dark rooms & corridors :poly121:
Run the script as many times as you like, the bigger the cube the more light you get.
(x4 Titans)
(x2 Titans)
Personally I am waiting for the new pascal gpus from nvidia as I am looking to upgrade my gtx580 next year, just a shame our 3d apps are stuck in cpu land.
Not that i have the rig or anything but i'm pretty impressed. For now V-ray for Modo would suffice it's been in development for ever.
OctaneRender for MODO® v2.x + Standalone Combo v2.x License 459.00
V-Ray will probably be more expensive, for a full License for Maya & 3ds it's 907.00 with tax :poly122: