I'm looking for a "definitive" reference guide for PBR - and by reference guide I'm pretty much asking for colour swatches or colour values for materials. Albedo + Roughness etc
I'm finding a fair few "bits and bob's" over at quixel, marmoset and substance but each really only have a small example sample of material values that will only take me so far.
I've also had a browse through the polycount wiki and again not really what I'm after on there.
Does anyone have or know of any large, comprehensive PBR guide with a big bunch of material values? Would be very useful!
Tons of swatches and values available. Rendering Remember Me for example.
PBR is not a set of strict rules either. A single albedo color for say, a rock, is not going to be the only color you use for all rocks. The same goes for roughness.
Specular can simplified down to a range of values though.
The ultimate swatch source is ultimately going to be a reasonable-quality digital camera and a Macbeth chart.