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First time animator

polycounter lvl 9
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Dickie polycounter lvl 9
Evening polycounters, I'm an environment artist but for zero budget reasons I'm doing the animations for a side project. But I've never animated anything outside of a game jam so as you can imagine I could probably do with all the help I can get.

Here's a place holder for a melee combo I knocked out (got a little lazy with the last swipe and can't seem to stop that leg pop)

But yeah any crit you guys have/any directions you can point me in would be really appreciated, I'm really open to feedback.


  • blinKX10
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    blinKX10 polycounter lvl 7
    -The swings aren't flowing into one another
    -You're lacking overshoot on the swings
    -Each swing has a very linear timing, the sword should speed up during the swing
    -Your poses are also pretty straight and stiff

    I'd suggest you film yourself acting out the action and looking at reference

    Good luck man
  • Dickie
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    Dickie polycounter lvl 9
    thanks for the comments, the filming myself's a good idea I'll give it a go as soon as I can work out how to prop up my phone.

    Thanks dude
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