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Is it ok to leave UV's out side of the render area?

polycounter lvl 3
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poopstick polycounter lvl 3
Basically I have a building that is part painted texture and part tiled texture(walls)

I've no need for the unwrapped walls to be on the texture map as they won't need painting, all I need is for them to be all proportionally unwrapped so that the tillable texture applies correctly, like this http://prntscr.com/8sn6su

At this point I don't really know what is best. I can either plop the wall uv's right in the centre of the map overlapping everything, or I can just put them outside of the rendered area.

I mean the outcome is completely fine whichever way I do it but I'm wondering, is there something I'm overlooking, or is it perfectly fine to do this?



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