I'm not the first one to run into this problem... but all the previous solutions I can find doesn't seem to work for me.
Maya 2015; default perspective camera flies out to infinity and nothing is visible in view port as soon as I press "F"
Same problem in Ortho views.
creating new camera has same problems.
"F" frame selected doesn't fix anything and causes active camera to fly out to infinity.
View-> frame all doesn't fix anything
View-> look at selection doesn't fix anything
View-> default view doesnt' fix anything
reset all the camera tools, doesn't fix anything
import to new maya scene doesn't fix anything.
reset user prefs didn't fix anything
I'm out of ideas to try....
Try changing your unit of measurements from centimeters to meters.
Also select your persp camera and in the Attribute Editor change the near clip and far clip planes to something like .01 and 10000 respectively.
Now I have "NaN" error in persp camera translate and point of focus attributes.