Hey guys, this is a project I'm doing for a uni assignment for a module called "Environment Modelling for Games"
The whole point of the assignment is to try to make modular assets for a game and recreate a room or hallway from a sci-fi movie. I choose the bridge from 1979's Alien spaceship USSC Nostromo. And yes I know this has been done a few times but since I'm a huge fan of the series I though I'd give it a go and hopefully live up to the standards.
Most of the reference shots are taken directly from the movie, some of the wider shots and some maquettes are taken from the propsummit.com website and some details are the expansion pack of the Alien Isolation game (With all that how could you ever fail, right ? hahaha)
Any and all comments are most welcomed, and any advice is highly appreciated. I'm not very 3d savvy since my background is mostly in 2d illustration and concept art.
Here's the first part of the project: whiteboxing the scene.

Good luck!
Hay dude, good luck with this! Also may I advise you play Alien: Isolation, they have the room in that game too. They created the environments using modular kits, and quite well at that.
Is this going in-engine? If so, which one?
@Beard3d Bandit, thanks man I just bought it a few days ago, and I was checking it out but I didn't find the room at first, though the first ship Ripley's Daughter is in, is really really close to the original Nostromo. Then I figgured out that it was in the dlc haha.
And yeah it's going in-engine, We're using Unreal 4. Can't wait to finish modeling and messing around in it
Cheers guys
How are the assets coming along mate?
BTW hate to nitpick but Alien came out 1979, Aliens is 1986
Ok some updates. Haven't posted anything because everything I've been working on this, is kind of boring so far and more oriented torward the game design part (measuring all the modular bits, making them fit with each other etc.).
redoing the floor tiles, had to make some compromises and ended up merging the 2 lower levels of the ship into one, because if I continued with it I had to design a lot of filler pieces to fill in the gaps. Thus I managed to simplify the whole thing and managed to cut down on my workload by repeating certain pieces
As advice to anyone attempting something like this in the future. For the love of god get your whitebox right from the first try and don't just wing it. This mistake cost me about 4+ days to fix
At first I based most of my measurements off of the DLC from Alien isolation, but just noticed recently that they also cut alot of corners to pump out the level faster, and thus there were a lot of discrepancies compared to the original set pieces. So I decided to go more torwards the movie scenes (though it's so hard to tell apart pieces from the actual movie QQ )
WIP Nostromo Bridge from Alien 1979 by andy_butnariu on Sketchfab
Not quite sure the sketchfab embed thing works. So here's just a link
@Clinington Thanks man, I hope to get even more details in than they did (I know that's really smug haha). They have really nice models but you can feel the time restraint and the budget.
All that's left now is to do the ceiling and that circular screen thing near the big desk (that's gonna be fun to plan out)
I will be trying to slowly fix it, and hopefully move on to the corridors soonish. I'm still on the lookout for detailed shots of everything in the cockpit, but sadly most photos take are really really low res and you can't really tell apart most details.
Here's what I had at the time:
Revamping the doors and the wall circuits so I made a separate modular kit for cables and switchboxes, so I can use them all over the ship; also cleaning up the project, remaking materials and renaming things for now (curse you, me from the past, your naming scheme is shite)
REF (the good people from the therpf forum, these people are a godsend when it comes to movie props) :