Hello again! I am trying quite hard to render elements in Max 2016.
I am using the awesome A&D shader in MR. When I go to render settings and go to the Render Elements tab, I can set all the elements which I could need, such as specularity, glossiness, and all that stuff. However when I go to RenderToTexture, I can only choose from several of the old "Standard" elements, and "Ambient Occlusion (MR)" and nothing else. Now, I know that the common response for RTT jobs is "Goto Xnormal", and I have it, and I use it, but if I want to bake the material's own unique elements, such as diffuse, spec, and so on, I must somehow do it from Max itself. I have tried to put a camera with a square aspect ratio above my capture-plane for textures, but this only works on flat frames and cannot capture from complex objects which are not a plane.
1. If there is some way to enable additional render elements in RTT through some human-editable files (or otherwise), I would like to know please. Max frequently puts things like these into human-readable files. If there is additional software which can do this from Max, this would be welcome as well, as long as it doesnt cost too much (or doesnt cost). I do not how else I would bake my material without switching out of Max, but I am open to suggestions.
2. Just my observation... I think that the reason why RTT in Max gives bad results in Mental Ray (possibly others) is because no matter your sample settings, it seems to render at 1 sample per pixel, always. If you go to Projection Options in RTT dialogue, it will probably show 1 sample per pixel regardless of your setup (confirm?) but I am willing to render at higher rez and then downsize my maps afterwards, as long as I can bake my materials. I did not write a bug report; there are more unavoidable issues waiting to be addressed first. If anyone knows a workaround (which isnt to switch to scanline) I would be curious to know. Anyway.
I have this choice.
I am hoping for this kind of choice.
What do?