Hi everyone! I apologize in advance for my English. Recently, I began to learn 3D graphics. I watched different tutorials. For now I am learning Maya 2016 and ZBrush 4R7. So I decided to start making my first model. And because I like the different military themes, as well as having looked different cinematics, I wanna do a Lich King helmet.
I made some references from the videos.
To construct the approximate form I built a few curves.
Next, I create a rough shape of the helmet.
Currently I plan to add some edges, make the shape thicker, make the top part of the helmet (the crown) and maximum to prepare for ZBrush.
Since this is my first project, it takes a long time, but eventually I am getting used to the hot keys and control in Maya and work is gradually accelerating.
I would be grateful for good advices and suggestions.
Here are few screenshots of my work.

I also need to speed up in Maya with using its interface. I find 3ds Max easier for a few reasons.
But it's a fantastic start, looking forward to it's development
I will be glad for advices.
P.S. Now it seems to me that helmet would be easier to do in zbrashe, but... next time.
Can someone suggest how best to make them smooth as metal, with hard edges? Which brush should I use (Planar, Trim or something else)? For the edges I took a pinch brush, then made dynamesh, but it turns out a little not what I want. And how to sharpen the upper part (as quad, not as cilinder, as i have now)?
Next I plan to finish all the horns and make dynamesh entire model and sew together all the details. Then I will use zremesher and refine it.
There is more here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/eQZbZ
My only critique would be that the metal feels abit wonky / it lacks hard edges, especially on the front
+ it would be cool to make it more "icy", give it some frost love