I am currently trying to learn Zbrush (using 4r6). I thought the best way was through a simple cartoon character, which worked well until I decided to make the ears in a separate subtool from the face. Now I am trying to merge the ears into the face, but I am getting seams that I cannot seem to get rid off.
So far, the methods I was able to find through google have given me either of 2 results (though, I was kinda surprised at how little I could find on the topic):
-the tools merge correctly, but with seams I cannot seem to get rid off. (see first thumbnail)
-the tools merge with holes. Doing the ctrl click drag thing first closes the holes with extremely ugly and jaggy surfaces. Doing the ctrl clik drag thing again will essentially just "blow up" the model; turning the entire surface into Swiss cheese. (see second thumbnail)
I should also note that I am using dynamesh for the face and the ears. I just want to merge the ears into the face, turning them into one single model.