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Maya: Pivot problem


So I am modelling and having a grand ole time, I work decently fast and sometimes I click, hit a button and realize Ive messed up something. This is a case where I cannot so easily retrace what I have done, but I can certainly show the result I have now.

Oh hey look that looks right! I guess everything is great right?...

What the bleep did I do? I can click on it and it turns yellow with that tiny middle full circle blinking on and off every time i click it. I cannot move it and it only appears when i try to move the pivot point, which I can do, it jsut seems to throw things off and is slowing my workflow down like crazy. Im not even sure what to call this thing, the pivots pivot?

May I ask for some assistance as to how this issue is solved? As in, The circle in the second picture used to be at the center of the pivot point, and clearly is no longer at the pivots center. As well as a definietion for the pivots pivot, it is the pp?

Other searchs have turned up nothing about this and maya help doesnt seem to really address what this is. I dont know what to call it, so searching for it is incredibly difficult.

Thank you for any help you give!


  • antweiler
  • throttlekitty
    Offline / Send Message
    throttlekitty ngon master
    if you're holding "d" and drag off to a new panel/window, it gets stuck in that mode. in the modeling panel sometimes pressing d again fixes it, otherwise repeat the process to um, undo it.
  • ImJustSomeGuy
    Thanks for the responses!

    So I found that clicking that circle will either do some weird pivot stuff or just keep the pivot where it is. Id like it to be reset to the middle. I tried reseting my preferences and its still there, haunting me. It looks like I can work around it.

    Another thing I found kind of strange:

    Ok were back, looking good lets get to modelling a cylinder!

    Ok selecting edge loops, things are looking up! now i just need to change manipulator real quick...

    Bleep it. I have to reset my pivot every single time? Noway buddy.

    After more online searching, tried that preference reset to no avail. Just clicking on that little dot I found is a boolean button, called ToggleManip. No sight of how to put this back into the center of it, it seems stuck along the y-axis. As long as I dont touch it then I can continue forward being wary of my pivot point.

    So its workable now. Just not reset to the center of the manipulator
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    There are very few reasons to delete your preferences file to remedy a problem within Maya. Chances are if you run into some mode or other setting that is causing problems, you just need to take the time to learn what you pressed to make the tool behave that way. You will learn more by duplicating your problems compared to reverting your software settings every time something happens that you don't understand.

    As for the problem you are encountering:

    Make sure when you hold D (or press Insert) one of those blue circles is not filled with a yellow dot. A yellow dot indicates your component Gizmo (pivot point position) has been stored somewhere and will be recalled any time you tap D or press Insert.

    Keep in mind the pivot of your mesh object and the pivot of your actively selected components are two entirely separate things. If you want to keep re-using a specific point in space as a temporary pivot point, either store it by toggling that blue circle or create a Locator (Create > Locator) for you to easily snap your Gizmo to at any time.
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