Hi guys,
I've been having some trouble with a recently purchased Cintiq 22HD on my home computer.
I'm running Windows 10, and the latest release of ZBrush. My tablet driver, and graphics driver are up to date.
While working in ZBrush, mainly noticeable when using clay tubes, clay build-up, etc... all of a sudden my pressure sensitivity goes out the window. I can't sketch in clay tubes- pressing lightly results in nothing, pressing a little harder results in a near full strength stroke.
Whats weird is that these work just fine when I freshly load up ZBrush, but 10-15 minutes later those brushes end up as described.
I can't imagine I'm the only person that's run into this. Anyone else?
All the pressure levels turn into 100 percent suddenly. We've tried swapping cintiqs, pens, etc, but no luck. It's possible it's an issue with the recent drivers.
Try and make sure your cables are not intertwined. The electric cable can cause interference with the data cable. The harder you push, the more electrical interference there will be and can cause your cursor to do random things.
Going to try reverting drivers tonight...
Everything worked fine for a while, but every 10th stroke or so was full pressure, no matter how light I pressed it.
I could fix it with changing the "Tip Double Click Distance" in the Wacom Tablet Properties to "Off".
Hope this helps.
I'll check in if that doesn't fix anything for us.
Thanks for that suggestion!
rolling back to these drivers fixed everything. your mileage may vary.
Everything fine now.
Thanks Pinkie!
After dealing with that problem for weeks I know the pain : D