Hi, we have an in-house engine, working on dx11, so we have the main Sun which shines on everything like mountains, and they look great with all crazy normals, ambient occlusion maps etc on the sun lit sides, but shadow or night sides are completely flat as hell apparently because there's no light sources to reveal those normal maps and speculars on PBR materials.
So I was wondering what is the proper way to go around this? What is the right pipeline of having normals and speculars even on dark/shadowy sides. Cos I don't think just adding fake hidden suns/lights all around is true to PBR theory..
Simply put, I want to achive the look of Marmoset Toolbag where I get cool speculars almost all around the surface. Of course I understand that in Toolbag they are not actual lights but hdr map, but anyways. How people achieve this in their engines? What is the theory behind this?
Additionally screen space reflections are often used as these two methods complement each other well.
Gratuitous screenshot of phantompain