Well finally i´ve been screwed over at my workplace and we´re switching from Mudbox to zBrush.
Eventho i´m more or less the only guy who sculpts extensively and mainly does chars, i have to use a tool i dislike, dont feel comfortable working with and generally find it pain in the arse to work with, despite it being powerfull and having alot of fancy things ( i dont need..)
Is there any way to make zBrush more like mubox in terms of control, perspective, ui etc?
I do like mudbox simplicty and clear layout and i´m really struggelin with getting along with zBrush, been trying to get into it on several occasion.
It´s really frustrating and basically doubles my worktime.
Any help is appreciated.
And yes, i´ve worked through tutorials. I just cant get along with zBrush.
Nasty1 : I don't think this is a matter of finding the tools or getting used to the UI - coming from Mudbox RK probably only needs a mere handful of tools. The problem is probably more related to the Zbrush navigation being much slower than what he is used to, the perspective being less accurate, and so on. These are things that Zbrush users just accept, but coming from other sculpting apps working in "real" 3D space this can feel like a rather big setback.
I personally came to terms with this by simply using both. Mudbox for any sculpting requiring subtlety and accuracy, especially anything related to anatomy ; and Zbrush for bruteforce work, hardsurface models, and mesh operations (dynamesh, zremesher, and so on). It works great that way.
zB just sucks for what it is. it is powerful yes but its a pain in the ass to use for pure sculpting.
Everyone knows the downfalls of zBrush.
As pior says i cant "feel" it.
Problem is, we are a small company and we cant really afford using many different platforms ,due to -as the boss says- other artists not being able to open and edit them.
Well for the stupid fact i´m the only one who ever does characters...
The others hardly sculpt.
And i´m like over 10 years in the biz, whereas the zBrush introducer is maybe 3 or 4...
Have been thinking about using both. We have fixed licenses for mudbox.
Short of that, you would only need to learn the sculpting feature set...so things like texturing, hard edged modelling, UVs can all be done in your standard modeling package. That makes your approach a lot easier to ease in to the app...and you will only win in the long run. Converseley....it is also your argument to keep using mudbox because there really is no learning curve.
And is this a bad thing?
There´s quite a lot of things i dislike about zBrush. Starting with its Navigation and UI.
As i said, i have no problems "learning" a new program, i´ve did in the past several times.
I just dont get along with zBrush.
Just as some people prefer Max over Maya or over Blender whatnot.
I dont want to whine around, i´m up for an solution, which enables me to work as efficiently as in mudbox.
Quick Question, is there a similar feature in zBrush, that allows you to import a lo and high poly model, subdivide the lowpoly to the respective polycount of the highpoly and apply the the hpo data onto that subdivided model?
Similar to the import as layer function in mudbox.
That alone would tackle alot of my problems.
As for the projection between different meshes, you'll want to look into the Tool: Subtool: Project All options. Basically just select your low poly mesh (after subdividing it) and hit the project all button to try and project it to take on the form of any other visible subtools. You may have to tweak the distance and projection shell a bit, and its recommended to save a morph target before projecting in case there are any projection errors that need to be painted out with the morph brush.
Not that I know of. As mentioned by Cryrid Zbrush has some very solid reprojection tools, but its layer system is very limited and does not allow for the kind of layer importing operations you are used to coming from Mudbox (this can be quite troublesome when dealing with blendshape authoring within Zbrush).
Rumkugel, not arguing...an app with no learning curve is reason enough for an enyire studio to adapt. Someone that doesnt know Mud could easily get the assets into Zbrush if needed with no help. Unfortunately...even studios get into a fanboy mentality and become defensive of their app of choice. As professionals, we have to adapt...and Mudbox is getting the axe.
Zbrush will automatically update a sculpt when you import an obj with an identical point order. No manual projection required. If desired, new shapes can either be stored as a morph target or to individual layers.
The projection tool is for projecting details between entirely different mesh topologies.
if your mesh comes in with a different point order however, zbrush will reproject automatically (can this be turned off? older versions used to warn you with a dialog box) which can introduce projection errors and softness for fine detail witohut you realizing it at first.
i'm referring to 4R6 btw. not too up to date on what - if anything - has changed changed in R7 regarding this behaviour.
Don't understand the problem if like u said they have a fixed license of Mudbox and every update of zbrush is free.
+1 to any company that gives u a choice.
It is one issue over another ( integration pain vs artist using the tools they produce best with ) one side will always be screwed. I would assert myself.