Hello again!
I bought the Quixel suite which contains NDo and DDo. I have installed the suite and entered the keys for both the two. NDO will start, but DDO wont. Tried to run as administrator but no luck and Im not sure how to check if my antivirus is blocking it (Avast).
When I click on the dDo button on the quixel menu, theres two windows that kind of invisible, one is "Thinking..." and the other says "AlertWindow".
I once tried a trial version of the suite and previously I posted a similar problem on this forum, but then it was on trial version. So im terrible sorry if I have to post this again.
I fixed the problem by using Revo unistaller and would like to try again, but the question is if I can enter my key code again and if my computer somehow remembers it so I dont have to buy the suite again?
You can of course uninstal and instal Quixel as much as you want without being afraid of losing your key , all your keys are stocked inside your Quixel account in the login section.
If you still have a problem to start DDO , let me know and we will try to fix it
Best regards.
Thanks for the quick replies! I really do appreciate the support on this forum!
NajimCG: Alright!
Synaesthesi: I have the suite installed at home. I will try first to uninstall it via Revo. If it fails we will see your solution.
I tried Revo unistaller free, but unfortunately I read that it only can unistal 32 bit programs and Quixel seems not to be listed. I have previously isntalled Pro trail version but it wont allow me to use it anymore in my computer.
I can run DDO by clicking the program in the bin directory btw, but when you map your textures it keeps freezing and nothing is happening.
So I am very wholeheartly listening to your ideas and suggestions guys!