Thanks for feedback during process.

Original Post:
This is a project I put down some time ago and just picked back up to finish it. Based on a redesign concept of Drizzt Do'Urden my girlfriend drew when we were burning through the Legend of Drizzt series.
Concept by Rachel Downing.

Current WIP sculpt.

The only thing is that I find it to be a bit of a shame, that you are covering up his face with a hoodie, I would love to see you try to make his hair. As the concept is nice.
I've been playing with either, just hadn't decided just yet. I actually have his hair created already, so the hood is a more recent addition. In the books he's described as a character that's often pulled his cowl over to try and hide the fact that he's a dark elf. He also has glowing lavender eyes that I thought I could play up nicely if they are in shadow. I'll probably do renders with both though.
but dang that fur looks pretty good, could you comment on it? are those planes right now, or is it fibermesh?
Sure and I agree I can definitely add some more interest to the pants and cloak.
The fur is fibermesh, I created the pelt shape I wanted (deleted it after I created the fur) I then sectioned the pelt into many different polygroups of approximately the same-ish size, I believe I did this quickly using zmodeler and inseting all polygons then autogrouping the inset polygons to split them up (it was quite a while ago), created the fur fibermesh and then styled it using the groom and move brushes with automasking by polygroups set to 100.
Swords update.
Icingdeath (mainhand) and Twinkle (offhand).
Maybe he looks a bit too human, you should go for the angular face from the concept, especially in the cheekbones and chin areas ^^.
I avoided getting too stylized or angular with his face because I'm taking a lord of the rings elf approach to him. Ideally I'd like him to feel the way it might if they ever made a solid movie about him.
A lot of my at work stuff is pretty stylized so trying to stay away from it in my personal projects to keep portfolio diversified.