He again,still not sure if this is the right palce to post a 2D question,basically I wanted to ask(since I'm not very good in photoshop)how would I approach this kinda Camo pattern,thanks in advance-all the best.
I'd create it in layers. Pick one of the colors to be the base color layer, fill the document with it. Crete another layer with a different color, paint it in by hand. Move on to the next color layer until you've achieved the desired result.
you can do it as procedural texture using layers and noise
in max for example
using a composite
the bottom layer use the 2 lightest colours and set the thresholds to 0.5 & .499 to give a sharp transition the levels will the control smoothness of the transition. Add the next darkest colour as the same but use white as the color #2 and set the layer mode to darken change the phase to alter is random seed, keep adding layers for each next darker colours. the coverage of each colour can be altered by changing the threshold values.
in max for example
using a composite
the bottom layer use the 2 lightest colours and set the thresholds to 0.5 & .499 to give a sharp transition the levels will the control smoothness of the transition. Add the next darkest colour as the same but use white as the color #2 and set the layer mode to darken change the phase to alter is random seed, keep adding layers for each next darker colours. the coverage of each colour can be altered by changing the threshold values.
bit rushed but you get the idea
This maybe helpful in a pinch? http://plastictrash.deviantart.com/art/Camo-Pattern-Generator-1-3-189666188