I had this argument with a colleague. I've argued that you shouldn't put any sord of cavity information into albedo (same goes for AO, sharpening and so on) while he said that it's ok for PBR. While we don't argue about AO, I can't remember anything substantial being said about cavity maps.
Can people with more experience make this issue clear - is there a solid rule on that?
Same with AO really. Use it as a mask, but don't multiply it on top of your albedo to give the look of self shadowing. That's what the AO input in PBR shaders is for.
as long as you have everything separated into layers i do not see what the problem could be. you can always adapt the textures.
A cavity map which only contains concavity information can be useful for micro occlusion in both spec and diffuse maps, as shaders/geometry often aren't detailed enough to account for very small pores, cracks, etc. Though generally, if your game has screen space reflections that does a better job of reflection occlusion than baked down maps.
More on cavity vs curvature, including how to convert curvature to concavity/convexity maps here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=140861
AO maps certainly should not be multiplied directly onto diffuse or spec, they should be loaded as a separate pass and only applied to ambient diffuse lighting typically. Otherwise if you shine a dynamic light on it, the surface never lights up, which is not physically plausible and looks dumb.