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First Character WIP

polycounter lvl 4
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jWestlinder polycounter lvl 4
Hi, Polycount! This will be my first post on here, I've been lurking for a while and decided I would try to make my first character model. I decided I wanted to do a stylized model and ended up with wanting to do a gummi bear from Disney's The Adventures of the Gummi Bears.

As for reference art there was alot around google, but since I was able to find a "Character Sheet" of Cubbi Gummi I decided that he'd be the one I tried to create.

Since I'm relatively new to modelling I probably should've sculpted this but I find sculpting to hard atm.

Anyway this is what he looks like right now. I feel that the likness just isn't there.

As for the reference it was mainly this: model1.jpg

Any tips for how I can get a better likeness at this stage?
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