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[WIP] Handpainted Ornamental Bridge

polycounter lvl 5
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ThePowFin polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone!

I'm trying to break my silence in these forums now as I am getting closer to my graduation.

I found this interesting looking bridge concept by talented RobertoGatto on deviantArt,
and I just had to ask for permission to make it in 3D. http://fav.me/d97l3ec

Here's a Marmoset render of what I have managed so far;


I have worked on this under 20 hours, but I think I might be
getting carried away by some of the variations to the color variations like darker, dirtier tones of red.

PS: Gosh, it's hard to try to push the 'Submit New Thread' button this early in the process and seeing the concept and render this close to one another for comparing


  • Burpee
    Offline / Send Message
    Burpee polycounter lvl 9
    Really cool concept, you should add an AO map on top of your texture ( multiply 10-30% ) it'll make everything " pop up " imo!

    But really cool, I'm always impress by hand-painted stuff...

  • Tectonic
    Offline / Send Message
    Tectonic polycounter lvl 10
    some of your proportions are a bit off. the red decorative loop/wave/things on the sides are a bit too large. as well as your gold sections around the arch don't match your concept, you have too many. I think its a good start though!
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