Have to say I think Far Cry is Ubi's best and dare I say most polished franchise. Still playing FC4 atm. So good!
This looks awesome and I can't wait. Will be interesting without vehicles. Hope it still has some nice set pieces like those daft bits (drug taking) and demonic realms, etc that make FC 3 and 4 so cool. The art is always spectacular!
Here's another video, and a few screen shots / concept art.
I bought Skyrim to be a Professional Mammoth Hunter (that was a bad plan, I had to fight dragons and viking zombies and stuff instead), and now I finally have a game where I can do that.
Maybe it was the Frazetta piece. I feel like there was a painting even more similar to that shot though.
I'm quite interested in the crafting weapons bit. I wonder if we'll be able to create custom weapons from scavenging parts and I wonder if those weapons will have durability. It'd be cool to hunt animals, skin and bone them for weapon parts, etc. And then have to look after the weapons.
One thing is for sure. The trailer suggests Mammoths are to be hunted and killed, but you know for a fact later in the game we'll be riding them around, kicking tribal ass!
Just another thought, as vehicles are such a huge part of FC, I wonder if other animals could be tamed and used as mounts. Would love a sabertooth killing machine.
Very cool stuff all around, the game looks fresh !
Everything is off and wrong, also too much fog.
I am getting a Fallout 3/ CoD 4MW chernobyl vibe from this and i don't like it. Feels like radiation poisioning.
Give the Artdirector a hug and a slap and tell him:
Far Cry needs more vibrant abd more beautiful colors!
Our Ancestors where definatly 100x times more high on life (and other stuff) than we dulled domesticated Industry-humans.
Better physis and better perception = more colors.