Subject sums it up there any way of transferring the influence of one bone ('upperarm') to another ('upperarm_twist')? (leaving 'upperarm' blank) Feels like something that can be done if I knew my way around some of Skin's dusty old tools...
All skinweights from upperarm are now on upperarm_twist.
Yes you can. Look into skin utilities. You'll find two buttons: "Extract skin data to mesh" and "Import skin data from mesh". The first one makes a mesh object that stores your weights. The other you use after selecting that mesh object and the object you want to transfer weights to (same obj you made your skinData obj from, in this case), then you'll get a dialog with bone lists, where you assign one bone to another; you can just switch up your bones there, or not assign the bone you want gone at all.
Thanks Zhalktis, good to know there's a native workaround too.