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Need help : paper umbrella translucency.

Hey everyone!

I recently got back into lighting and rendering for a model, but I've hit a dead end trying to reproduce the effect of lighting going through a paper cocktail umbrella.

In my current scene, I have a standard 3 point light set (directionnal lights) with a blue-ish spherical area light inside the umbrella for that blue hue feel. I also have GI and FG activated with mental ray (only the area light has the "Emit Photons" option active). Also to note that the shader does have translucency.
[IMG]http://www.polycount.com/forum/[render_test](<a href=http://i.imgur.com/IxuPAXh.png target=_blank>http://i.imgur.com/IxuPAXh.png</a>)[/IMG]IxuPAXh.png
I've searched for solutions online, but the closest I could get was the paper lantern lighting. Any solution (and feedback in general) appreciated, thank you! :)
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