I'm doing some experimenting on a simple test cube with baked maps and I can't seem to get a correct curvature map to mask off convex and concave areas. I'm close but I'm getting black and white edges/seams at UV border seams. Im wondering if this can be solved as I know DDO only looks at the 2d normal map information and not at the actual model.
Is this something other people have encountered too and is there a solution to get a nice curvature mask without black or white seams? I tried both with and without padding but the problem remains in both situations.

I also supplied the Max file with highpoly and lowpoly, in case the baked maps are incorrect.
I currently don't have enough time to re-render everything from the Max source file, but I can check your files for you. If you don't mind uploading those as well, along with the source *.OBJ, I'll gladly take a look at it!
Sorry for the delay. I got a bit busy and forgot about this issue. You can get the input maps here:
If you can still have a look and find a way to get a good curvature map (and masking), let me know, thanks!
Worth noting also, don't feed DDO PNGs from XNormal. The area outside of UV space is alpha'd which DDO either interprets as black or magic pink which exacerbates any nonsense occuring at the seams. TGAs are fine because they have an actual Alpha channel.
When you try to put your own Curvatures in (I've been using Xnormal) the algorithm seems to just push them darker and darker with each successive blur/relaxation making the entire thing un-useable.
The custom curvature input is broken in 1.8. It's not performing as expected due to the algorithm blowing out the map, which is why anything above medium is generally difficult to work with. 2.0 has solved this issue. We're in the final beta test right now, so look forward to the release soon!