Hey guys, I'm working on a school project and the goal was to sculpt a bust in Zbrush or Mudbox and then import it in Maya for a presentation ( clay render, texture and wireframe). Once I finished sculpting in Zbrush P3 I exported it to Maya 2016 SP3. But then I noticed some weird thing going on, my topology was different than the one in Zbrush ( I created a clean topology with ZRemesher). The topology is much more dense and doesn't make sense compared to the one I created. The weird thing is when I zoom on the mesh the topology is displaying as the one in Zbrush, the cleaner one. I assumed it was only a graphical bug in Viewport 2.0 so I did the render with Mental Ray. It was all good except for the wireframe mesh. It displays the weird topology. I really don't know what to do and if that's a graphical bug from Maya or I did something wrong. My deadline is Monday so any help is appreciated.
This might be the cause of your extra, super dense geo.