Hey guys,i have problems baking textures in maya 2016 and zbrush 4r7
my first problem is that i want to bake my matcap of zbrush in a texture, i imported my low mesh (only) after the retopo and uvs and make the displacement map in zbrush, then i put the displacement and the difusse in a 3d plane and this was the result
the tris of my low mesh are visible, i dont know if this is for the same issue that i have in my uvs, or i have to create a hi mesh in my low mesh with the project tool?
the second problem is for normals, when i bake my normal there are the lines of my uvs visible, that always happen when i bake with tangent space, i have tried it with maya and xnormal and same result. but when i bake it with object space i have no issue. i saw that everyone in the tutorials that i watched and all of them use tangent space and they dont have problems but honestly i dont know what are the differences.
Here is my normal map with tangent space
And with object space (looks very good in maya)
so, should i keep my normal map in object space? is it ok? or i'm doing something bad?
Thanks a lot
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But i still have the problem baking my matcap in zbrush.
Thanks a lot