Has anyone had sucess with this? I'm trying to align a video file I made with my TV messh. Every other video I've seen on this, they apply it to a BSP, which you can scale/ stretch the texture on it, to my understanding you can't do this with meshes. So how do I get it to align. It seems the videos I HAVE seen just show it working on a tv, but with no tutorial or write up (go figure).
You can see my uvs, the red is the actual screen.I've tried messing around with texture coordinates with no luck.
I think that might work... but, I don't know for certain as I have never used a media texture myself.
but when I check in UE4 after reimporting. It's
EDIT: Jumped the gun. I have to actually delete the mesh and import, as apposed to just re-importing. Seeing if this works now.
EDIT2: Yep, still can't get it to align properly. I made the UV of the screen almost fill up the 2048 space. And also tried using a 720p video, and a 2048x2048 video.
I have the TexCoord that is connected to the U and V coordinates "Un Mirror" boxes checked for both U and V. The other TexCoord Un Mirror UV boxes are unchecked. I've gotten it close, but not perfect. There is still stretching.
I've been attempting to tab back and fourth between 3ds max and UE4 adjusting the UV but the display on the screen is always stretched to one side. Is doing something like this really that uncommon? Starting to get frustrated haha.
Anyways, I don't know what you incluced into the zip, but I would like to point out that if its only the display's textures etc then the 500 mb is a lot. That would result an insane memory usage in game, and its really not optimal for one single asset.
I edited the original link