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The veteran Knight-WIP

polycounter lvl 10
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rherstig polycounter lvl 10
Hi guys
I'm modeling this concept of a veteran Templar Knight .
This is the mesh for the body with face detail and I'm stating to work on gear now.
This my finale piece that I'm modeling for my class so I'm existed to here what you guys have to say.


Thanks :)


  • flipside8404
    Hey Rherstig! The fist thing I noticed on your sculpt is the proportion. The legs are a bit too short compared to the body. Also the vastus medialis (inside part of your quad) is over exagerrated. This might be covered by his gear but it's a good practice to have the underlaying structures correct.

    I am not an expert and still learning myself but here's my take on it


    Looking forward to your process! Good luck
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