Yeah, so original title :poly122: Actually it'll be different but made more sense to put what this is about

So I'm painting an illustration for my mom. I started by defining the idea after doing some comps and decided this one. The thing is that I don't want to go detailing any further (hands, rest of armor) before correcting mistakes, specially on anatomy. I'm aiming for a heavy body type woman, but not fat nor extremely fit. Something like Gina Carano (a famous female figther). I used her photos as reference, but the torso and arms parts are being a bit complicated for me. Could you please critique it? Thanks!
The skull is a placeholder, my mom asked for something "iron maiden/heavy metal", hence the skull will be iron maiden style, and "some Athletic Club reference", which is a football club in Spain that has a lion as the mascot. There'll be tons of roses and skulls and I want the lion in white/light beige but I'm not yet totally sure about colors. Mostly red/black/white to match what my mom wants.
