Hi, I have little problem, in my scene have simple plane and material is composited with layered texture linked to vraymtl. Bottom layer is classic checker and on top have layer with file node texture with blend mode over and is reduced to X Y 0,25 coverage. When I render through CPU everything looks as I expected, but in RT GPU everything outside texture coverage is black, how can I fix this.
Yep, it seems in RT GPU rendering has V-ray problem with tiling textures. If I scale down some UV texture and put them over another texture, alpha only coverage new texture size and outside the coverage texture is rendered as black or white as I have set in Color Balance - Default Color. I tested several file types, tga, png, psd and problem persist. Only crossed me in my mind, create small hack for this. Create new alpha which coverage place outside scaled down UV texture and combine together with alpha from scaled down texture, but I dont know how.
have you tried to scale the uvs..?
you should ask in the chaosgroup forum...