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I Recommend this book if you like ID style sketching and concept art

polycounter lvl 10
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MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
"Drawing For Product Designers" by Kevin Henry


I've read the Scott Robertson books on drawing and rendering and they're really good but the info can be overwhelming. I think this book by Kevin Henry does a better job providing context, the "whys".

It has step by step tutorials and case studies from design studios (but not gamedev). The text info is easy to understand but serves intermediate knowledge than say Loomis books. It covers perspective, rendering tutorials and theory, and the whys of "drawing-through" when it comes to designing. Reading it feels like the book is bridging the gap between the info thought at art schools and what a self-teacher (like me) can randomly dig up or stumble upon, if that makes sense.

How it compares to the sketching books by Eissen and Steur? I think it does a better job of explaining principles and methods. The other books are more eye candy if you know what I mean and light on the info. I like their art style but I don't want to ape it. This book is more balanced between the art and text info.

In short, read this book before the Robertson books or use it as complimentary book. :thumbup:


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