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A Rather Unexpected Change of Pace

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Hi! I've been lurking about a little here and there for a few months now and feel it's time to get a bit more active here, with really good reason.

A brief run down of my story (cutting out all the parts no one needs to hear); I'm a graduate of an art school with a BAC in Game Art. This was about 4 years ago, and it took one year to realize something wasn't working. I guess I kinda panicked and went for a job that wouldn't turn me down, but would also get the bills payed. This was not an art job in any way shape or form. However, I thought it would give me more time to work on my portfolio and hone my skills more. I was wrong, as it was trying to make itself my career. In the end, I got let go about two years before my contract end, and now I look at where I am and realize I'm probably a little more behind on where I should be now than I was then.

Looking back, I think my problem was I wasn't taking my art seriously enough. So now, my goal is to take some time to revamp my portfolio so that I have something to show as progress over these years. You know, more so than a butt load of pen doodles/scribbles on copy paper.

Oh yeah, and for anyone interested, I still have my old portfolio at kyleconklin.com
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