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Brandon Portfolio Critique

Hello All

My name is Brandon Pollard and I'm trying to get into the game industry. Below is a link to my website and my demo reel. Any critique would be great.



Demo Reel


Thank You


  • TheWalkerGod
    Hm, your home page should immediately have pictures of your art like this portfolio:


    and I should then be able to click on those photos to see more of that particular piece of artwork. The problem with your portfolio is that I have click on the portfolio tab to actually see your artwork. Also you don't really need a demo reel, and if you do have one I shouldn't have to be taken to youtube to watch it, and it really doesn't need to be the first thing I see either.

    As for the pictures themselves. Your textures, and this may sound harsh, aren't really there. There bland and uninteresting, and lack any color variation or good material definition. As for your environments, the lightning isn't very good, and again is uninteresting. Also some of the pictures you have aren't really unique, I mean one shot is just a picture of some stairs. You should probably clean up your portfolio and remove any pictures that aren't worth having there. A few good pictures are better than a bunch of average - to low quality ones.

    As for your characters, they really aren't there either. They suffer the same texture problems, and also really don't look high poly at all (it surprised me they were in the 10,000 polygons).

    Also it may be worth noting that your portfolio background confused me at first. I thought your were an environment artist cause of the background, and was surprised that the first thing I saw was characters. Also you're contact info should be readily visible at all times.

    I hope you're not too discouraged by what I wrote. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, and honestly I defintely believe you'll improve. It might help if you start focusing on one particular thing. Most people either focus on being a character or environment artist. Also it's important you include breakdowns of your maps and materials and such, since this will show you're knowledgeable on the subject. Look at examples of portfolios and again keep trying, don't give up. You're best works are to me, the police car and guns, you might want to rework those, focusing on the textures.

    best of luck
  • Bpollard
    Thanks for the critique. I'll keep it in mind moving forward.
  • defragger
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    defragger sublime tool
    1. Always use a reference character for enviro projects (scale). Especially when modeling stairs, chairs, doors, ...
    2. Use real world dimensions. Metric system or the other weird stuff they use in the US.
    3. Get familiar with checker maps and all sorts of development textures. A constant UV scale throughout the project is really important and one of the basics.
    4. Learn how to do a three-point lighting. Use a rim-light on characters. That will drastically improve the overall look and feel of your renderings.
  • Bpollard
    Thank you for the critique. This is my first go at doing all these things. I recently graduated and I'm just trying to get better. Thanks for the feedback and I will keep this all in mind when working/reworking things.
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