So back to basic..I will try to do a daily sculpt, studying mostly anatomy, with a goal to start sculpting full characters. Feedback and critique's (specially paint over - visual learner) greatly appreciated.
Just finished while following a Digitaltutors tutorial. I had some difficulty with the overall shape of the skull, specially how it rounds around the back looking from the front view.
@Har: thanks, I actually used Dynamesh so there's no subdivision, but you are right..I think my Dynamesh resolution to start it was too high. I need to practice focusing on forms first before the details. Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep in mind for my next one.
@Ged thanks for feedback..I did some changes on the side view and jaw
Thanks for the tip..I've just been using pinch and trim dynamic/hpolish. I'll give the planar brush a go!
Thank you for the input.