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workshop tool weapon particles mesh problem

polycounter lvl 9
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jenioss polycounter lvl 9
Hello there!

In few words, I was able to import a mesh for the particles for a custom weapon on v6.84. Now with the new dota reborn and his workshop tools, I can't find where i do this so the particles position of the default weapon appear in the demo mode..

If someone know how to try my particles mesh and get ingame footage with, that would be sweet ^^



  • jenioss
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    jenioss polycounter lvl 9
  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 12
    As far as i know, there is not yet a way to import custom particles using the new importer tool, as Valve already stated:

    'These item tools have been re-written from the ground up. For this release, we have focused on enabling basic item types - hero weapons and wearables, couriers and wards. Ability models, other submission types and a more refined UI will incrementally come online after the basics become stable. '

    Im not saying that there is no way to test custom particles out in-game but i think if there is a way right now it would involve some serious technical stuff like decompile/replace/recompile files and stuff like that, and idk about you, but it sounds to me that if im not a true technical guru, i'd save me all those troubles and wait for official support from valve.
  • jenioss
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    jenioss polycounter lvl 9
    Ok thank you for your answer, I saw that already but I'm just talking about the basic weapon particles.
    Let me take an exemple, if you try phatom assassin, you have some white circle around the weapon, if you put a custom weapon these "particles" keep the position of the old weapon, its not really "custom" I think since we just want to change the shape not the particle herself no?

    At least are we able to turn it off to not ruin the in-game screenshots? :p

    I take your last point, i'll wait the next release :'(
  • quockhanhlk
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    quockhanhlk polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah i dont think we're able to turn that off either without messing heavily with the files, so waiting is the best thing we can do imo :p
  • jenioss
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    jenioss polycounter lvl 9
    Ok my friend :) thank you for your advices, i'll wait ^^
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