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CyberPunk Alien

polycounter lvl 5
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Senergy polycounter lvl 5
Hello folks!

I am coming back working on my 3D skills with sculpting tools and today I want to share with you my last work I am working on to.

I started just playing around inside Mudbox and after some steps I got the basic idea. Inspiration of model is about some cyberpunks and alien imaginary, with a bit of dragon ball z bosses influence.

About shading and textures, I would like to build a model that agree me to use textures influenced by Metal Gear 4 bosses, with some color and fantasy


And attached some screenshoots from Mudbox.
I hope to get some critics and suggestion from you guys! I am new with Mudbox so I am learning it playing around :)
Also, What do you think about anatomic structure of the model?
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