Hey everybody,
I recently started a new personal project and I want to share it with you !
My principals references are LoL, Diablo III and the awesome kickstarter Battle Chasers: Nightwar, check it
here if you haven't ! Their work are really amazing

So here is a rough idea of what I want to create, that's not the final concept, I'm still thinking. I will add some crates, books, skeletons, bricks here and there, bushes, trees, cobwebs, etc...

May I ask for a wireframe? I'm curious about how you did the stones
@Lukitscherie : For the wall I try a new workflow. First, I literally "build" it in Maya with cubes to have a real construction. After, I make a really quick sculpt in Zbrush for the imperfections and finally I retopologize in Maya. I'm pretty happy with the render
So, I have made some new props and textures and change the environment design. I made a quick setup in Unity 5 for the colors but I'm not convinced.
If you have some ideas or critics I take them with pleasure !
@ninetwenty : What do you mean by blood vinyls ?
Here is the render now :
@killnpc : I'm very happy to have your opinion about this work
So, here is the progress for today, some screenshots in flat mode and a color test. A test for a tree, new grass and more work on the textures of course !
I worked on the scene a little. I decided to add a door finally, refined the trees (I'm not totally convinced) and refined textures here and there.
Next time I will integrate everything in Marmoset and I think it will be finish soon.
@SleepingGiant : Yeah thanks man ! btw your work is really cool
Like I said in my last post, I integrate all the scene in Marmoset and I've done some shots :
I'm pretty happy with those, but if you have some advice for the lighting or the scene in general I take them !
I find it a bit empty though, it's just a suggestion, and it's maybe a bit clich