Hey guys,
i was trying to make a little test object with different form by useing quad chamfer with a turbosmooth on top for my hp. i made my lp and baked all in xnormal. but my edges are really messy. hope you can tell me how to make it right with a quad chamfer:
1: HP in max with Quad Chamfer (smoothing groups option + Turbosmooth)

2: Normal map baked in xNormal (2k/ 4x Edge Padding / 4X AA)

3: LP with normal Map in Marmoset Toolbag (here are the problems):

In other words, smooth the lowpoly normals on every edge that isn't a UV seam. Also, remember to leave some space between shells, and bake with padding.
good watch... around 11:40 he takes up your problem
That video has all you need to know.