Hi guys,
I started encountering an odd bug today while doing UVs.
I have the UV Editor open and I am working on the UVs of an object. As soon as select a different mesh, the UV Editor shows no UVS, even though all meshes in this scene have unfolded UVs. Now, when I click a random button in the UV Edior, toggle seams, display image, whatever, the UVs re-appear.
This makes working with UVs really annoying. Does anybody know, where this could come from?
Not very comfortable, but I like the new unfold brush too much to go back.
They'll fix it soon, hopefully.
nvidia or amd? I'd try rolling back drivers as a test.
I had a similar issue, but it was while trying to fix someone's severely broken mesh.
I will try to see if it's driver related, thanks!
*distant laughter*
No, it's definiftely just one UV set.
I had the same problem - the trick for me was, to give the mesh the default Lambert! (Before that I used a material that had a texture map on both the Color and Transparacy channels)
Hope I could still help anyone