Whenever I pan in ZBrush (alt + right click + drag), it scales the object sometimes.
Particularly when I alt + right click + drag my stylus over my tablet, and then release ALT but I'm still dragging my stylus over the tablet slightly so it scales...
I have right click functionality enabled in ZBrush, too.
I mean, if anything, I just wonder if Huion H610 Pro tablets are bad or if my ZBrush config just got messed up. Is there any way to efficiently tablet navigate in ZBrush?
You zoom by holding alt, pressing down the stylus, then releasing alt while still pressing. To avoid it you just have to lift the stylist before releasing alt.
I have to lift the stylus before releasing ALT? That makes sense, and when I do that, it literally stops scaling randomly whenever I pan... but I have to raise my stylus like 2 feet above the tablet every time I pan so it doesn't scale accidentally.
My Huion H610 Pro's tablet has like a 0.6" LOD (lift off distance) and it'll detect anything.
EDIT: I'm consciously lifting up the stylus whenever I pan so I don't activate the scale tool... which is okay, I just wish I didn't have to do it.
I'm also new to using tablets, and I can't even draw a circle because of how sensitive they are... very odd.
As for creating a smooth circle, try activating lazy mouse to get more control over your stroke. It's found under the Stroke menu at the top.
Yeah, I think my screen proportions are messed up too. Pretty much got owned when I bought this tablet. Because it's 10" by 9" and my monitor res is 1920x1080. Something to do with that and it not being equal, so I'll never be able to draw a perfect circle.
Edit: Yeaaah, I looked it up and your active area for that model should match up with a 16:9 monitor...? If that isn't the case, please check your drivers to make sure they're functioning as intended. Maybe I'm misunderstanding, though.
Yeah, I have checked the settings and it should match up with a 16:9 monitor but I still feel as if it's making my circles slightly wider.
It's not as easy as just making it 'adjust to proportions' like in Wacom driver settings. I guess my settings are correct, but I literally can't stand tablets. Or at least the one I bought.
Thanks for both of your help regardless.
I actually got back to using ZBrush recently with my tablet, and my tablet isn't as bad as I thought. Nor is the navigation. I got used to the navigation and just started lifting my stylus... almost feels better than just keeping it held.