I realize this is a broad topic but is there a way to create materials in Max that will look close to what you can get with a basic setup in UE4 for instance? I have been toying with UE4 for some time now but only recently started looking into Max's material editor capabilities. I find the standard material input names confusing and I have a hard time figuring where to plug my textures - is it even PBR? I could skip prototyping my material in Max but I like to do this as I model and I just found out that upon exporting a fbx model with mats applied Unreal will import everything from the get go, which I think is pretty neat.
I've been digging in the autodesk knowledge base but so far I'm still in the dark.
Just make sure to disable the gamma in 3dsMax viewport when using it or the results will not look good.
(the shader does a more suitable tone-map in the shader itself)
Edit: and then I noticed your name, shaderfx